Saturday, July 14, 2007

An Introduction to the world

I am just the maid’s maid.
The maid’s shadow.
And the maid’s maid’s shadow.(gestures towards other maid)
(2nd maid):*I am just the maid’s maid’s shadow.
I am just he maid’s maid.. but I say..

Welcome to the world.
*welcome to the world.

**Everybody stand.

We are now entering the world to meet the twins.
Take a deep breath.
(takes a breath)
*(takes a breath)
(to the audience); take a breath.
Breathe from the centre of your own world… and picture there a table.

Now picture above you a mirror and below you a mirror
And up from the middle of the table, from the middle of your world grows a ladder.
It reaches up into the mirror above you into the world of the above twins.

It is a Twin Party, the occasion is Rebirthday.
* It is a Twin Party, the occasion is Rebirthday.

In its redundant cycle that happens over and over.
*Over and over
Over and over
*over and over

We are all bored of this theme!
But we are stuck in this world,, because…
It is a Rebirthday until you know…
*It is a Rebirthday until you know…
Rebirthday until you know
*Rebirthday until you know
until you know,
*until you know.

Please prepare yourselves.
We are preparing you.
As you are the ingredients, for this our Rebirthday Cake.

Welcome to the ritual of Rebirthday.
*When is the cake?
Tea, then presents then cake.
Let’s go!
*let's go.

Let’s go, let’s go.
*Let’s go, let’s go.
Let’s go, let’s go.
*Let’s go, let’s go.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Last Cake Slice in Berlin 07.14.07.

Twin Party will be performed one last final time in Berlin
this Saturday 14th of July
@ the Art Space at Scherer Strasse #8

U9 Nauener Platz
U8 Pank Strasse
U6 Leopold Platz

entry by Donation :)

There is also a Vernissage happening the same night in the ajoining room..

Vernissage at 8pm
Twin Party Performance at 9pm

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Kult 41 show in Bonn. 07. 06. 07.

An interview with a cake candle.. as part of the show is to make the audience into a cake,,and a lucky one or two will be the candles!

Slide show photos by: Philipp Mertens

As is also the nature of this show; touring around and finding new cast in each place, we had a new "Zinger" configuration. The new Zigers were two small ladies, rather than a 6 foot guy, as it has been so far. Soso,, two new costumes were improvised.

Many thanks/ Dankeschön to:

Annie, Eva, Maren, Maya, Stephanie, Sarah, and Alva in Bonn.

Meike, Alex, Anna, David, Britta and Eva in Berlin.

and Sarah Hall and Sonja Rainey in Praha and beyond.

More pics to come!!! Lots of updatting to do.. other pics to get from other people, and others to edit ;)

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Show in Bonn and pics from K9 im Berlin