Friday, January 26, 2007

Good Twins or Bad Twins?

"If you had to chose only one half of your son, which one would it be?"
-Willy Wonka

Thursday, January 25, 2007

World machine

The universe is essentially made out of nothing.
Intervals, distances, holes, an ethereal lace.
In short, empty space.
The rest is matter.

Thus, this shudder,
this calling it and holdind it, this lifting it and facing it,
this vein of nothing opening into the void
must be an interval.

António Gedeão*

* Literary pseudonym of Rómulo de Carvalho

This poem reminds me of the cube of space our stage is occupying. The inbetween world of the void. mmm ethereal lace....

anamorphosis and PROPS

Webster Dictionary, 1913

An`a*mor"pho*sis (#), n. [Gr. , fr. to form anew; again + to form; form.]

1. (Persp.) A distorted or monstrous projection or representation of an image on a plane or curved surface, which, when viewed from a certain point, or as reflected from a curved mirror or through a polyhedron, appears regular and in proportion; a deformation of an image.

Cake plates...

Taken from this

Two mirrors, each one of them consisting of 19 small mirrors, in the shape of spherical hubs, distributed uniformly on a circular plate. This plate is composed of a central glass and a wooden frame which surrounds it. The frames are painted with flowers, one of them having a red background, the other a green background.

These mirrors give 19 simultaneous virtual images of one object, the images being smaller than the actual object.

This makes me think of the "Presents"... eventhough they are sound/shadow boxes..

This apparatus has three flat mirrors, mounted vertically on a horizontal wooden board. The shape of this board is similar to a trapezium, the larger side slightly curved. The orientation of the mirrors accompanies the direction defined by the three smaller sides of the trapezium. The wooden board is painted with motifs representing a garden, with a fountain surrounded by flower beds.

When observed through the mirrors, the assemblage gives the observer the impression that the garden is composed of four identical fountains, each one constituting the centre of a garden identical to the one painted on the board.

This seemed somehow relevant,, in a weird way... "Bridezilla"

see video of it -->
so strange :S

I took these around my neighbourhood.
Could be a reference to the clean vs. the grotesque.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Preliminary Sketches, some thoughts


Let's pretend for a moment that we (our stage) is the cube in this pic. Then,, the ladder/stairs are reaching through the mirrors,,, and out into their universes,, THEN, they reach around,, and something crazy happens when they intersect, definetly, but they might just loop around,, and come back around,, "all twins are one twin"... just an idea!

The worlds of each Twins' holds a force that pulls at their babies. The twins are connected upward as much as they are together.

One idea,, for the beginning,, when the good twins make their decent,,
they could come down, as miniature dolls of themselves,, using a mini table as an elevator,, kind of alienesque,, (see the Mariko Mori post for more visuals).Then they appear large, with a trick of lights.

This is the ultimate reponse to the world of the play.. very stretchy in its constant state of flux and change. "Pull them across the sky",, until they are pulled like power lines in the sky reaching far to make close. Power lines like ladders or stairs pulled horizontally. Taking Yayoi Kusama's ladder and flip it sideways..

Delaware says: "the air that seperates us attacks me", after the "Quake" of seperation occurs with Denmark,,

Here is an idea for the set.. as powerlineskies stretch across the stage...
the ladder/stairs are stretchy and can be repositioned into other configurations. The table can slide along, giving room behind it when other characters enter the world.


Polka dots mirrored with their inversion. Like a yin yang,, "we put some of us in you last time, we were hopping it would grow". Drawstrings shrinking the costumes as the twins change and grow into the next round.

Extremes of clean vs. grotesque.

Magnets, magnetic fabric?! is there such a thing? Or maybe Abram's Zinger character could just move with extensions of costumes making them seem to be stuck to him. I'm going to play with this more. Magnets and paperclips..

playing with the idea that since they are opposite poles, the Twins could have opposing silhouettes. puffy bottoms vs. puffy tops.. something like that.

Research for the Zinger (invisible spirit)

Holograms, silver, armor,, air. Ariel from the Tempest.


Chocolate Tea service
(something to branch off of.. )

Friday, January 12, 2007

Twin Medication

I stumbled across these,, I forget where they are from,,, but thought it would be usefull to see some medical renditions,, eventhough they seem rather fantastical!

I had a vision of projecting some/parts onto costumes perhaps. As if we were zooming in/through the costume to see the underworkings of madness and complications.

This made me think of the Maid Chorus or anyone's shadow.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Mariko Mori

The Above world

I am inspired by Mariko Mori's Space ship and it's other worldly calm glow. I like her ascending starcases in the sculptures of Wave UFO and the Dream Temple and her uses of imagery interwoven with materials and construction.

It is called "Wave UFO" and three people can go inside at once and lie down. Then they can see their alpha beta and theta brain waves look like.
Mori says that the piece is ultimately about how we are all connected.

This is the "Dream Temple".
According to the New York Times Style Magazine:

A glass reconstruction of the ancient Buddhist Yumedono Hall of the Horyuji Temple, with three dimensional computer graphisc and virtual sound...
Mori says; "I insisted on using dichroic glass, which has a changing iridescent surface, because it is close to the idea of consciousness, which changes every second, every moment, " In "Dream Temple," a sense of past, present ad future is collapsed. What this removal of boundaries can do for the mind is is as potentilally liberating as another discovery that recently came to light the information that the people of the high Andes who speak Ayamara have a radically different view of time. the Ayamara treats the future as something that has already happeed and the past as something that's ahead.

it's like someone existing but without existence,

"Tom Na H-iu" is a place where souls waited to pass onto their next life in ancient Celts lore. The "standing stones" that were built according to these ancient myths inspired Mariko Mori to create a present day monument signaling life and death.
The piece is 3m tall, and made from glass. Mori's Tom Ha H-iu captures the death of stars and indicates its rebirth. This is realized by a computer connected to Super-Kamioka Neutrino Detection Experiment (Super-Kamiokande) that catches the light that stars generate when they die. The piece interacts with the incoming signals to radiate a new ray.